Conference – AI and the Future of Work

22 January 2020 at 8:00 (EST)

Labour Market Futures with the Rise of Artificial Intelligence

It is rare to witness societal changes as profound as the transition we are witnessing with the advent of the age of artificial intelligence. While we are now experiencing its first appearances in innovative companies or forward-thinking organizations, we are still far from the complete ubiquity of AI that we can anticipate in the medium term.

This event, organized jointly by CRIMT, Element AI and OBVIA’s 4.0, Work and Employment Axis, will bring together several labour market and union stakeholders. The purpose of this event is to discuss the future of the labor market with the emergence of AI, the changes to be expected in this transition and to reflect on the means available to prepare actors for the impacts of AI on work.

Although by invitation only, it is possible to view the event live on Zoom.

Download the program [French only]