Full-team Meetings

21-29 October 2021
Virtual Magog
Zoom platform
Case Development Workshops
A key objective of the CRIMT Partnership Project on Experimentation for Better Work is to bring together a wide range of ongoing research through the lens of experimentation and its impact on work. We are convinced that deepening our understanding of particular cases and cross- interrogating experiences in the re-regulation of work can lead to important insights in ways that we do not normally achieve, thus improving both your/our particular research initiatives and its impact.
Given ongoing pandemic constraints, we organized a series of informal case development workshops in a Virtual Magog meeting (in reference to our project team meetings normally held in the Eastern Townships of Quebec).
Our intention was to build from these initial bundles of thematically compatible case workshops, which will continue through the first half of 2022, i.e., prior to our next major CRIMT Partnership conference (27-29 October 2022).

25-27 October 2019
‘Magog‘ Meeting
Hôtel Chéribourg, Magog, Canada
CRIMT Partnership Project Team Meeting
The ‘Magog’ 2019 meeting was the culmination of a series of regional workshops organized by CRIMT’s partner centers and devoted to the co-construction of a template for studying and presenting cases of experimentation. The objective of the fall 2019 team meeting was to test this template, both through plenary discussions aimed at critically discussing theoretical and methodological issues related to the presentation model, and through exchanges in smaller groups on the study of clusters of experimental cases.

27-29 October 2017
‘Magog‘ Meeting
Hôtel Manoir des Sables, Magog, Canada
CRIMT Partnership Project Team Meeting
The main objective of the ‘Magog’ 2017 meeting was to attempt to collectively define, both conceptually and methodologically, the nature of institutional experimentation, how it should be studied, and how to ensure that a dialogue is established between cases of institutional experimentation. The aim was to identify the consequences of this re-regulation on different dimensions of work (is work improving or deteriorating?) and to see how the various projects and research objects (both work in progress and under development) of the researchers involved in the project contribute to our understanding of these processes.
Regional Template Workshops

15 January to 7 October 2019
Regional Template Workshops
More than 20 different sites
Over the course of 2019, CRIMT coresearchers and graduate students participated in a series of regional workshops to discuss cases of organizational and institutional experimentation and build a template to facilitate the development and comparison of these cases.
7 October 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Montreal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Montreal, this workshop brought together coresearchers from HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
2 October 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Queen’s University, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Queen’s University, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace (Queen’s University) and the University of Montreal.
25 September 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Université Laval, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Université Laval, this workshop brought together coresearchers from Université Laval and the University of Montreal.
23 September 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Montreal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Montreal, this workshop brought together coresearchers from Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, HEC Montréal and University of Montreal.
20 September 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Montreal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Montreal, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the University of Quebec in Outaouais, HEC Montreal and University of Montreal.
16 September 2019
Regional Template Workshop
HEC Montréal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at HEC Montréal, this workshop brought together coresearchers from HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
6 September 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Rutgers University, USA
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Rutgers University, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the School of Management and Labor Relations (Rutgers University), HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
21 June 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Loughborough University London, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Loughborough University London, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Institute of International Management (Loughborough University London), HEC Montréal and University of Montreal.
20 June 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Bristol, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Bristol, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Perspectives on Work Research Group of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (University of Bristol), HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
19 June 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Manchester, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Manchester, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Work and Equalities Institute (University of Manchester), HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
17 juin 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Université d’Avignon, France
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the Université d’Avignon, this workshop brought together coresearchers from COMPTRASEC, IRISSO, UCLouvain, ETUI, HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
7 June 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of British Columbia, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of British Columbia, this workshop brought together coresearchers from Simon Fraser University, the University of Regina and the University of Montreal.
2 June 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Renmin University, China
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Renmin University, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the School of Labor and Human Resources (Renmin University), Rutgers University and the University of Montreal.
23 May 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Montreal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
This workshop brought together coresearchers from the University of Montreal.
3 May 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Université Laval, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Université Laval, this workshop brought together coresearchers from Université Laval, HEC Montréal and the University of Montreal.
1 May 2019
Regional Template Workshop
RMIT, Australia
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at RMIT, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Centre for People, Organization and Work (RMIT). The second CPOW-CRIMT Workshop for 2019: ‘Concepts, Cases, Impact’ built on the momentum established during the first workshop in February. The purpose of the first workshop was to explore how researchers can play an active part in the International Partnership. In this follow up, CPOW moved to examine more deeply the key project elements: what do we mean by concepts such as ‘experimentation’ or ‘better work’? What does a case study look like and how might my work contribute? How does the Better Work project contribute to my strategic goals as an academic researcher around publications, engagement, knowledge translation and impact?
2 April 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Leicester University, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the Leicester University, this workshop brought together coresearchers from Leicester University, De Montfort University, Loughborough University London and University of Montreal.
1 April 2019
Regional Template Workshop
University of Manchester, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the University of Manchester, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Work and Equalities Institute (University of Manchester) and the University of Montreal.
29 March 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Cardiff University, United-Kingdom
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at Cardiff University, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Employment Research Unit (Cardiff University) and the University of Montreal.
18 March 2019
Regional Template Workshop
Université de Montréal, Canada
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
This workshop brought together coresearchers from the University of Montreal.
8 February 2019
Regional Template Workshop
RMIT, Australia
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at RMIT, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the Centre for People, Organization and Work (RMIT) and the University of Montreal.
15 January 2019
Regional Template Workshop
European Trade Union Institute, Belgium
Workshop on the co-construction of a template for the production and presentation of cases of experimentation
Held at the European Trade Union Institute, this workshop brought together coresearchers from the ETUI and the University of Montreal.