The conference will be held in person at HEC Montréal (Montreal, Canada), from Thursday October 24th to Saturday October 26th, 2024. It will also include a hybrid component that will enable remote participation in all conference sessions.

The program proposes two complementary activities: A Community Forum (Friday, October 25) and two Study Days (Thursday, October 24 and Saturday, October 26). The Community Forum includes a plenary session and ten (10) forums aimed at bringing together academics and practitioners from the world of work, and the Study Days, a plenary session and almost seventy (70) scientific workshops, the content of which stems from a call for papers issued in the Spring of 2024. All sessions will be available online via Zoom, with two-thirds (47) featuring simultaneous interpretation accessible to both in-person attendees and those participating remotely.

THERE ARE TWO REGISTRATION OPTIONS: (1) for IN-PERSON attendance or (2) for REMOTE participation, each offering a standard rate as well as a discounted rate for students and retirees.

In the days leading up to the conference, registered participants—whether they are part of the program or have signed up through the event website—will receive an email containing a version of the program with the Zoom links to connect to the various sessions.



To register, simply click the THEPOINTOFSALE.COM button below. This will direct your browser to the secure online payment site THE POINT OF SALE, with which we have established a service agreement. If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact Marjorie Gionest-Larouche at or Ms. Soledad Cardona-Maldonado at