Rothstein, Sidney A. & T. Schulze-Cleven | 2020 | Beyond Stability: Rethinking Germany’s Political Economy | German Politics | 29 | 3 | 289-296 |  |
Rothstein, Sidney A. & T. Schulze-Cleven | 2020 | Germany After the Social Democratic Century: The Political Economy of Imbalance | German Politics | 29 | 3 | 297-318 |  |
Müller-Jentsch, Walther, B. Rehder, S.A. Rothstein & T. Schulze-Cleven | 2020 | Debating Lessons From Germany After the Social Democratic Century | German Politics | 29 | 3 | 522-543 |  |
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias | 2018 | A Continent in Crisis: European Labor and the Fate of Social Democracy | Labor Studies Journal | 43 | 1 | 46-73 |  |
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias | 2017 | German Labor Relations in International Perspective: A Model Reconsidered | German Politics & Society | 35 | 4 | |  |
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias | 2017 | Collective Action and Globalization: Building and Mobilizing Labour Power | Journal of Industrial Relations | 59 | 4 | 397-419 |  |
Schulze-Cleven, Tobias, G. Herrigel, N. Lichtenstein & G. Seidman | 2017 | Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries: Leveraging Complementary Perspectives on Global Labour | Journal of Industrial Relations | 59 | 4 | 510-537 |  |
Fudge, Judy | 2019 | (Re) Conceptualizing Unfree Labour: Local Labour Control Regimes and Constraints on Workers’ Freedoms | Global Labour Journal | 10 | 2 | 108-122 |  |
McCann, Deidre& J. Fudge | 2019 | A Strategic Approach to Regulating Unacceptable Forms of Work | Journal of Law and Society | 46 | 2 | 271-301 |  |
Fudge, Judy | 2019 | Why Labour Lawyers Should Care About the Modern Slavery Act 2015 | King's Law Journal | 29 | 3 | 377-406 |  |
Fudge, Judy | 2018 | Illegal Working, Migrants and Labour Exploitation in the UK | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | 38 | 3 | 557-584 |  |
Fudge, Judy | 2018 | Modern Slavery, Unfree Labour and the Labour Market: The Social Dynamics of Legal Characterization | Social and Legal Studies | 27 | 4 | 413-434 |  |
Frans, Dorien, N. Doerflinger & V. Pulignano | 2019 | Occupational Welfare and Segmentation: Explaining Across (and Within) Sectoral Variation in Germany and Belgium | Zeitschrift für Sozialreform ZSR Journal of Social Policy Research | 65 | 3 | 215-242 |  |
Murgia, Annalisa & V. Pulignano | 2019 | Neither Precarious Nor Entrepreneur: The Subjective Experience of Hybrid Self-employed Workers | Economic and Industrial Democracy | | | |  |
Doerflinger, Nadja, V. Pulignano & M. Lukac | 2019 | The Social Configuration of Labour Market Divides: An Across- and Within- Country Analysis in Germany, Belgium and Italy | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 26 | 1 | |  |
Lukac, Martin, N. Doerflinger & V. Pulignano | 2019 | Developing a Cross-National Comparative Framework for Studying Labour Market Segmentation: Measurement Equivalence With Latent Class Analysis | Social Indicator Research | 145 | 1 | 233-255 |  |
Pulignano, Valeria & J. Waddington | 2019 | Management, European Works Councils and Institutional Malleability | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 26 | 1 | 5-21 |  |
Pulignano, Valeria & C. Marà | 2020 | Work Disruption in a Context of Pandemics: Social Bonds and the ‘Crisis Society’ | The European Sociologist | | | |  |
Pulignano, Valeria | 2019 | Work and Employment Under the Gig Economy | Partecipazione e Conflitto | | | |  |
Dubois, Louis-Etienne & J. Weststar | | Games-as-a-Service: Conflicted Identities on the New Front Line of Video Game Development | New Media and Society | | | |  |
Weststar, Johanna & L.-E. Dubois | | From Crunch to Grind: Adopting a Servitization Model Within Extreme Working Time Regimes | Work, Employment & Society | | | |  |
Weststar, Johanna & M.-J. Legault | 2019 | Building Momentum for Collectivity in the Digital Games Community | Television and New Media | 20 | 8 | 848-861 |  |
Legault, Marie-Josée & J. Weststar | 2017 | Videogame Developers Among ‘Extreme Workers’: Are Death Marches Over? | E-journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies | 6 | 3 | |  |
Weststar, Johanna & M.-J. Legault | 2017 | Why Might a Video Game Developer Join a Union? | Labor Studies Journal | 42 | 4 | 295-321 |  |
Barbier, Pascal, B. Fusulier & J. Landour (dir.) | 2020 | Sous le prisme de l'articulation des temporalités sociales | Les Politiques Sociales | | 3-4 | |  |
Murray, Gregor, C. Levesque, G. Morgan & N. Roby | 2020 | Disruption and Re-Regulation in Work and Employment: From Organisational to Institutional Experimentation | Transfer: European Review of Labor and Research | 26 | 2 | 135-156 |  |
Morgan, Glenn & V. Pulignano | 2020 | Solidarity at Work: Concepts, Levels and Challenges | Work, Employment & Society | 34 | 1 | 18-34 |  |
Connolly, Heather | 2020 | We Just Get a Bit Set in Our Ways’: Renewing Democracy and Solidarity in UK Trade Unions | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 207-222 |  |
Almond, Phil & H. Connolly | 2020 | A Manifesto for ‘Slow’ Comparative Research on Work and Employment’ | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 26 | 1 | 59-74 |  |
Genin, Émilie, M. Laroche & G. Marchadour | 2020 | Gender Equality in the Workplace in Quebec: Strategic Priority for Employers or Partial Response to Institutional Pressures? | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal | | | |  |
Cyr, Alexandra, É. Genin, C. Rossignol & G. Vallée | 2019 | Les droits de direction et l’obligation de disponibilité des salariés au-delà de leur temps de travail : l’exemple du travail infirmier | Revue Juridique Thémis | 53 | 2 | 267-322 |  |
Genin, Émilie | 2018 | Le débordement du travail sur le temps personnel des cadres français | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 72 | 4 | 658-681 |  |
Genin, Émilie | 2017 | Au croisement du genre et de la parentalité : le plafond de mère chez les femmes qualifiées | Cahiers de recherche sociologique | | 63 | 25-42 |  |
Barré, Philippe | | Expressivité, inconstance et usure du travail d’artiste-interprète en danse à Montréal | Cahiers de recherche sociologique | | | |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu, G. Murray & M. Wu | | Contesting Technological Determinism on Skills and Work: Institutions, Actor Strategies and Experimentation in the Auto Services Sector | New Technology, Work, and Employment | | | |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu, J. Peters & P. Scrimger | 2020 | Financialization and Union Decline in Canada: The Influence of Sectors and Core Industries | Competition and Change | 24 | 3 | 268-290 |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu | 2020 | Construire des mobilisations face aux restructurations d’entreprises : Une comparaison du pouvoir syndical local en France et au Canada | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 75 | 3 | 449-472 |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu | 2020 | How Do Local Union Strategize About Multinational Restructuring? Some Insights From France | Economic and Industrial Democracy | 41 | 1 | 51-72 |  |
Macdonald, Ian & M. Dupuis | 2018 | Managing Workers’ Capital? Limits and Contradictions of Labour Investment Funds | Economic and Industrial Democracy | | | |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu | 2018 | Crafting Alternatives to Corporate Restructuring: Politics, Institutions, and Union Power in France and Canada | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 24 | 1 | 39-54 |  |
Dupuis, Mathieu | 2017 | International and Comparative Employment Relations: Assessing the Global, National and Local Level Contributions to the Field | Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal | 29 | 3 | 151-157 |  |
Boivin, Louise, C. Vincent & S. Béroud | 2017 | Une grève pionnière de salariées précaires dans les services privés d’hébergement pour personnes âgées | Chronique internationale de l'IRES | | 157 | 53-65 |  |
Boivin, Louise | 2017 | La représentation collective au travail en contexte d’externalisation des services publics d’aide à domicile au Québec | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 72 | 3 | 501-523 |  |
Barton, Ruth, É. Béthoux, C. Dupuy, A. Ilsøe, P. Jalette, M. Laroche, S.E. Navrbjerg & T. Larsen | | Understanding the Dynamics of Inequity in Collective Bargaining: Comparative Examples From Australia, Canada, Denmark and France | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | | | |  |
Jalette, Patrice, F. Lauzon-Duguay & M. Laroche | 2020 | Time Is on Whose Side? Determining the Duration of Collective Agreements in a Decentralized Collective Bargaining System | Journal of Industrial Relations | 62 | 5 | 758-783 |  |
Laroche, Mélanie, P. Jalette & F. Lauzon-Duguay | 2019 | Les disparités de traitement entre nouveaux et anciens employés : institutionnalisation et évolution des inégalités dans les conventions collectives au Québec | Terrains et travaux | | 35 | 45-67 |  |
Laroche, Mélanie, F. Lauzon-Duguay & P. Jalette | 2018 | When Collective Bargaining Leads to Inequality : Determinants of Two-Tier Provisions in Canadian Collective Agreements | Industrial and Labour Relations Review | 72 | 4 | 871-896 |  |
Laroche, Mélanie & M. Dufour-Poirier | 2017 | Revitalizing Union Representation Through Labor Education Initiatives: A Close Examination of Two Trade Unions in Quebec | Labor Studies Journal | 42 | 2 | 99-123 |  |
Dhakal, Subas, A. Nankervis, J. Connell, S. Fitzgerald & J. Burgess | 2017 | Attracting and Retaining Personal Care Assistants Into the Western Australia (Wa) Residential Aged Care Sector | Labour & Industry | 27 | 4 | 333-349 |  |
Dhakal, Subas, A. Nankervis, J. Connell & J. Burgess | 2020 | Challenges of Caring for the Aged: Attracting and Retaining Aged Care Assistants in Western Australia | Australian Journal of Ageing | | | |  |
Barraud de Lagerie P., A. Mias, C. Phé & L. Servel | 2020 | L’accord d’entreprise mondial, instrument de politiques pour les groupes transnationaux | La Revue de l’IRES | | 101-102 | 61-82 |  |
Charles, Julien, I. Ferreras & A. Lamine | 2020 | A Freelancers Cooperative as a Democratic Institutional Experimentation for Better Work. Case Study of Smart-Belgium | Transfer : European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 157-174 |  |
Kollmeyer, Christopher & J. Peters | 2018 | Financialization and the Decline of Organized Labour: A Study of 18 Advanced Capitalist Countries, 1970-2012 | Social Forces | 98 | 1 | 1-30 |  |
Poblete, Lorena | 2021 | Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Argentina. Institutional Innovations Within the Same Framework | Journal of Labor and Society | | | |  |
Poblete, Lorena | 2020 | Formalisation as a Judicial Claim. the Case of Paid Domestic Workers in Argentina | Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios | | 40 | 33-46 |  |
Poblete, Lorena | 2018 | The Influence of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay | International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations | 34 | 2 | 177-201 |  |
Poblete, Lorena | 2018 | The Ilo Domestic Workers Convention and Regulatory Reforms in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay. A Comparative Study of Working Time and Remuneration Regulations | International Labour Review | 157 | 3 | 435-459 |  |
Coiquaud, Urwana & I. Martin | 2020 | Access to Justice for Gig Workers: Contrasting Answers from Canadian and American Courts | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 75 | 3 | 582-593 |  |
Coiquaud, Urwana & I. Martin | 2019 | Accès à la justice des travailleurs de plateformes : réponses contrastées des tribunaux canadiens et américains | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 3 | 577-588 |  |
Villanueva, Francisco, M. Dufour-Poirier & I. Martin | | L’Accord de coopération dans le domaine Canada-Pérou : un accord avec un corps conditionnel et un esprit promotionnel? | Revue juridique Thémis | | | |  |
Martin, Isabelle | 2018 | The Use of Transnational Labour Law in Steering Socially Responsible Corporate Governance Toward Increased Workers Protection | Canadian Journal of Law & Society/Revue canadienne Droit et Société, | 33 | 2 | 159-176 |  |
Martin, Isabelle & M. Choko | 2018 | The Minimum Wage as a Matter of Tangible Human Dignity: A Comparative Constitutional Law Analysis | International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations | 34 | 3 | 231-255 |  |
Bosch, Gerhard & J. Schmitz-Kießler | 2020 | Shaping Industry 4.0 – an Experimental Approach Developed by German Trade Unions | Transfer : European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 189-206 |  |
González Menéndez, Maria, P. Almond & G. Murray | 2018 | Regional Business Systems and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment in Canada, Spain and the UK | Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, | | 163 | 3-20 |  |
González-Menéndez, Maria, D. Luque Balbona, G. Pruneda & P. Almond | 2018 | Embedding Multinational Firms in Regional Business Systems: Neoliberal and Social-Democratic Models in Spain | Industrial Relations Journal | 49 | 1 | 50-69 |  |
Almond, Phil, M. González Menéndez, J. Lavelle & G. Murray | 2017 | The Local in the Global: Regions, Employment Systems and Multinationals | Industrial Relations Journal | 48 | 2 | 115-132 |  |
Rutherford, Tod & L. Frangi | 2019 | Acted Upon and Acted Through: Unions, Consent and Contestation Vis-a-Vis High Performance Work Systems in the Automobile Industry | Economic and Industrial Democracy | | | |  |
Rutherford, Tod & L. Frangi | | Nesting Industry 4.0 in High Performance Work Systems: Employment Relations Insights From the Southern Ontario Automotive Assembly Sector | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin & M. Faulkner | 2020 | Are Strikes Still a Tool for Union Action? A Qualitative Investigation in the Private Sector in Quebec, Canada | Economic and Industrial Democracy | 41 | 1 | 73-97 |  |
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin & S. Pérez-Lauzon | 2019 | The Practice of Collective Bargaining in Quebec’s (Canada) Private Sector: The Changing “Rules of the Game” | Industrial Relations Journal | 50 | 3 | 240-255 |  |
Fortin-Bergeron, Chloé, M.-A. Hennebert & O. Doucet | 2018 | Comprendre la représentation syndicale au plan local : rôles perçus et ressources mobilisées par des dirigeants de syndicats locaux dans deux secteurs d’activités au Québec | Relations industrielles / Industrial relations | 74 | 2 | 293-322 |  |
Bourque, Reynald, M.-A. Hennebert, C. Lévesque & G. Murray | 2018 | Do International Union Alliances Contribute to the Effectiveness of International Framework Agreements? A Comparative Study of Telefonica and Portugal Telecom | Economic and Industrial Democracy | | | |  |
Hennebert, Marc-Antonin, C. Lévesque, G. Murray & R. Bourque | 2018 | Firmes multinationales et droits syndicaux : la contribution des alliances syndicales internationales à l’effectivité des accords-cadres internationaux | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 73 | 4 | 702-727 |  |
Lévesque, Christian, M.-A. Hennebert, G. Murray & R. Bourque | 2018 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Worker Rights: Institutionalizing Social Dialogue Through International Framework Agreements | Journal of Business Ethics | 153 | 1 | 215-230 |  |
Fortin-Bergeron, Chloé & M.-A. Hennebert | 2018 | The Role of Management and Trade Union Leadership on Dual Commitment: The Mediating Effect of the Workplace Relations Climate | Human Resource Management Journal | 28 | 3 | 462-478 |  |
Bilodeau, Pier-Luc | 2020 | L’aménagement du pluralisme syndical en droit du travail québécois : quel équilibre entre l’efficacité et la participation des salariés ? | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 75 | 3 | 569-581 |  |
Bilodeau, Pier-Luc | | Précarité d’emploi et conflictualité : la mobilité provinciale des salariés de la construction au Québec | Labour / Le Travail | | | |  |
Villanueva, Francisco, M. Dufour-Poirier & I. Martin | 2020 | L’Accord de coopération dans le domaine Canada-Pérou : un accord avec un corps conditionnel ou un esprit promotionnel? | Revue juridique Thémis | | | 543-599 |  |
Chaignot-Delage, Nicolas, M. Dufour-Poirier, C. Le Capitaine & F. D’Ortun | 2019 | Articuler performance économique et santé mentale des travailleurs : Le Réseau des délégués sociaux de la FTQ, un acteur agissant pour une meilleure prévention dans les milieux de travail | Revue Ad Machina | | 3 | 58-71 |  |
Laroche, Mélanie & M. Dufour-Poirier | 2017 | Revitalizing Union Representation Through Labor Education Initiatives: A Close Examination of Two Trade Unions in Quebec | Labor Studies Journal | 42 | 2 | 99-123 |  |
Martin, Isabelle, M. Dufour-Poirier & F. Villanueva | | Against, Before or With Corporate Social Responsibility? Unions’ Perception and Mobilization of Non-State Regulation in Transnational Mining Enterprises | Regulation & Governance | | | |  |
Dufour-Poirier, Mélanie | | Building North-South Trade Union Solidarity: Putting Collective Identities at Stake | Global Labour Journal | | | |  |
Kamoun, Salima, M. Dufour-Poirier & C. Le Capitaine | | L’entraide syndicale au Québec : quel pouvoir d’agir des délégués sociaux de la FTQ ? | Revue de psychosociologie | | | |  |
Degryse, Christophe | 2020 | De flexible à liquide : le travail dans l’économie de plateforme | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 75 | 4 | 660-683 |  |
Cervellon, Marie-Cécile & P. Lirio | 2017 | When Employees Don’t ‘Like’ Their Employers on Social Media | MIT Sloan Management Review | 58 | 2 | 63-70 |  |
Lirio, Pamela | 2017 | Global Boundary Work Tactics: Managing Work and Family Transitions in a 24-7 Global Context | Community Work & Family | 20 | 1 | 72-91 |  |
Rubery, Jill, D. Grimshaw, A. Keizer & M. Johnson | 2018 | Challenges and Contradictions in the Normalising of Precarious Work | Work, Employment & Society | 32 | 3 | 509-527 |  |
Refslund, Bjarke, K. Jaehrling, M. Johnson, A. Koukiadaki, T.P. Larsen & C. Schröder | 2020 | Moving in and Out of the Shadow of European Case Law - the Dynamics of Public Procurement in the Post-Post-Rüffert Era | Journal of Common Market Studies | 58 | 5 | 1165-1181 |  |
Johnson, Mathew, A. Koukiadaki & D. Grimshaw | 2019 | The Living Wage in the UK: Testing the Limits of Soft Regulation? | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 25 | 3 | 319-333 |  |
Mustchin, Stephen & L. Miguel Martinez | 2020 | The Evolving Nature of Labour Inspection, Enforcement of Employment Rights and the Regulatory Reach of the State in Britain | Journal of Industrial Relations | 62 | 5 | 735-757 |  |
Whittall, Michael, L. Miguel Martinez, S. Mustchin, F. Rocha & V. Telljohann | 2017 | Workplace Trade Union Engagement With European Works Councils and Transnational Agreements: The Case of Volkswagen Europe | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 23 | 4 | 397-414 |  |
Rubery, Jill & A. Koukiadaki | 2018 | Institutional Interactions in Gender Pay Equity: A Call for Inclusive, Equal and Transparent Labour Markets | University of Oxford Human Rights Hub Journal | 1 | | 115-142 |  |
Grimshaw, Damian, J. Cartwright, A. Keizer & J. Rubery | 2019 | Market Exposure and the Labour Process: The Contradictory Dynamics in Managing Subcontracted Services Work’ | Work, Employment & Society | 33 | 1 | 76-95 |  |
Howcroft, Debra & J. Rubery | 2019 | Bias in, Bias Out: Gender Equality and the Future of Work Debate | Labour and Industry | 29 | 2 | 213-227 |  |
Gesualdi-Fecteau, Dalia et al. | 2020 | Le droit social et du travail face à la COVID-19 : la situation au Québec (Canada) | Droit Social | | 9 | 715-720 |  |
Gesualdi-Fecteau, Dalia & G. Vallée | 2017 | La mise en œuvre de la Loi sur les normes du travail : étude empirique d’un modèle singulier d’inspection du travail | Revue d’études multidisciplinaires sur l’emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail – REMEST | 11 | 1 | 4-31 |  |
Charles, Julien, I. Ferreras & A. Lamine | 2020 | A Freelancers’ Cooperative as a Case of Democratic Institutional Experimentation for Better Work: A Case Study of Smart-Belgium | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 157-174 |  |
Ferreras, Isabelle | 2018 | Le droit du travail parmi les droits civils et politiques ? Réflexions à propos de la participation des travailleurs au gouvernement de l’entreprise | Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale/Journal of Comparative Labor Law and Social Security | 3 | | 28-37 |  |
Pulignano, Valeria, N. Hammer & N. Doerflinger | 2020 | Explaining Employment Effects in Multipolar Value Chains: A Cross‐National Study on Soft Drinks and Dairy Manufacturing in Europe | British Journal of Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Hammer, Nikolaus & R. Plugor | 2019 | Disconnecting Labour? the Labour Process in the UK Fast Fashion Value Chain | Work, Employment and Society | 33 | 6 | 913-928 |  |
Yates, Charlotte & W. Lewchuk | 2017 | What Shapes Automotive Investment Decisions in the Contemporary Global Economy? | Canadian Public Policy | 43 | S1 | S16-S29 |  |
Yates, Charlotte, B. Sweeney & G. Mordue | 2017 | Introduction: Public Policy and Canada’s Automotive Industry | Canadian Public Policy | 43 | S1 | Siii-Svi |  |
Delaney, Annie & F. Macdonald | 2018 | Thinking About Informality: Gender (in)Equality (in) Decent Work Across Geographic and Economic Boundaries | Labour and Industry | 28 | 2 | 99-114 |  |
Coles, Amanda, F. Macdonald & A. Delaney | 2018 | Gender and Informality at Work – Theoretical Provocations: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender and Informality | Labour & Industry | 28 | 2 | 93-98 |  |
Delaney, Annie, Y. Ng & V. Venugopal | 2018 | Comparing Australian Garment and Childcare Homeworkers’ Experience of Regulation and Representation | The Economic and Labour Relations Review | 29 | 3 | 346-364 |  |
Rennie, Sarah, T. Connor, A. Delaney & S. Marshall | 2017 | Orchestration From Below? Trade Unions in the Global South, Transnational Business and Efforts to Orchestrate Continuous Improvement in Non-State Regulatory Initiatives | University of New South Wales Law Journal | 40 | 3 | 1275-1309 |  |
Farhall, Kate, P. Fairbrother & M. Tyler | 2020 | Labour and Regional Transition: Addressing Sex Segregation, the Absence of Gender and the Valorising of Masculinity | Gender, Place and Culture | | | |  |
Cooper, Vanessa, P. Fairbrother, G. Elliott, M. Walker & H.-Y. Ch’ng | 2020 | Shared Responsibility and Community Engagement: Community Narratives of Bushfire Risk Information in Victoria, Australia | Journal of Rural Studies | 80 | | 259-272 |  |
Tyler, Meagan & P. Fairbrother | 2018 | Gender, Households and Decision-Making for Wildfire Safety | Disasters | 42 | 4 | 697-718 |  |
Fairbrother, Peter, M. Walker & R. Phillips | 2018 | Unions and Regional Governance: The Case of North West Tasmania, Australia | Regional Studies Journal | 52 | 11 | 1502-1511 |  |
Fairbrother, Peter | 2017 | When Politics Meets Economic Complexity: Doing Things Differently in the Gippsland Region | Australasian Journal of Regional Studies | 23 | 3 | 400-420 |  |
Cairns, George, G. Wright, P. Fairbrother & R. Phillips | 2017 | ”Branching Scenarios” Seeking Articulated Action for Regional Regeneration - a Case Study of Limited Success | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | | 124 | 189-202 |  |
De Spiegelaere, Stan | 2020 | Transnational Union Action at Ryanair | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 229-233 |  |
Morris, Jonathan, J. Jenkins & J. Donaghey | 2020 | Uneven Development, Uneven Response: The Relentless Search for Meaningful Regulation of Global Value Chains | British Journal of Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Jenkins, Jean | 2020 | Struggle in the Garment Sector | Theory and Struggle: Journal of the Marx Memorial Library | 121 | | 68-77 |  |
Pandeli, Jenna, M. Marinetto, & J. Jenkins | 2019 | Captive in Cycles of Invisibility? Prisoners’ Work for the Private Sector | Work, Employment and Society | 33 | 4 | 596-612 |  |
Jenkins, Jean | 2017 | Hands Not Wanted: Closure, and the Moral Economy of Protest, Treorchy, South Wales | Historical Studies in Industrial Relations | | 38 | 1-36 |  |
Jenkins, Jean & P. Blyton | 2017 | In Debt to the Time-Bank: The Manipulation of Working Time in Indian Garment Factories and ‘Working Dead Horse | Work, Employment and Society | 31 | 1 | 90-105 |  |
Morgan, Glenn, H. Doering & M. Gomes | 2020 | Extending Varieties of Capitalism to Emerging Economies: What Can We Learn From Brazil? | New Political Economy | | | |  |
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline & L. Sigalo Santos | 2018 | For a Few Euros More. Microwork Crowdsourcing and the Commodification of Time | Réseaux | 36 | 212 | 51-84 |  |
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline, É. Béthoux, A. Mias & E. Penalva-Icher | | La mise en œuvre du devoir de vigilance : une managérialisation de la loi ? | Droit et société | | | |  |
Barraud de Lagerie, Pauline, A. Mias, C. Phé & L. Servel | 2020 | L’accord d’entreprise mondial, instrument de politiques pour les groupes transnationaux | La Revue de l’IRES | | 101-102 | 61-82 |  |
Coutu, Michel & et J. Bourgault | 2020 | Air Canada, l’impartition de l’entretien et le déclin de la citoyenneté au travail dans la grande entreprise : un regard sociojuridique | Cahiers de droit | 61 | 3 | 621-646 |  |
Yang, Weiguo, K. Nawakitphaitoon, W. Huang, B. Harney, P.J. Gollan & C.Y. Xu | 2019 | Towards Better Work in ChinA: Mapping the Relationships Between High-Performance Work Systems, Trade Unions, and Employee Well-Being | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources | 57 | 4 | 553-576 |  |
Wright, Chris F., A.J. Wood, J. Trevor, C. McLaughlin, W. Huang, B. Harney, T. Geelan, B. Colfer, C. Chang & W. Brown | 2018 | Towards a New Web of Rules: An International Review of Institutional Experimentation to Strengthen Employment Protections | Employee Relations | 41 | 2 | 313-330 |  |
Xiaoyu Huang, L. Zhang, W. Huang, J. Zhu, M. Van Wart & G. Qin | 2019 | The Emerging Approaches to Settle Strikes in China | Labour & Industry | 29 | 4 | 370-385 |  |
Huang, Wei & W. Wei | À paraître | Balancing Working Time Flexibility and Labour Protection: A Comparative Analysis of Working Time Arrangements in European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Singapore | Comparative Economic & Social Systems | | | |  |
Bartram, Timothy, D. Adam, T. Edwards, P. Jalette, J. Burgess & P. Stanton | 2019 | A Comparison of Contemporary HRM and ER Practices of Japanese and US MNC Subsidiaries: Evidence From Four Countries | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 4 | 742-779 |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2019 | The Origins of Severance Pay in Unemployment Compensation : A Comparative Analysis | Labour History | 60 | 4 | 351-371 |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2017 | The Dualisation of Unemployment Compensation in Emerging Economies: Brazil, China and Russia | Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy | 33 | 3 | 261-281 |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2017 | Translating from Multiple Sources: Labour Legislation Reform in Turkey | International Labour Review | 156 | 2 | 287-302 |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2020 | Réglementations professionnelles et reconnaissance des qualifications de pharmaciens formés à l’étranger | Diversité Urbaine | | | |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2020 | Mandatory Occupational Welfare: Severance Pay as an Unemployment Compensation Instrument | Social Policy & Administration | 54 | 1 | 28-44 |  |
Ozkan, Umut R. | 2018 | Foreign Qualification Recognition Regimes for Internationally-Trained Professionals: The Case of Pharmacists | Journal of International Migration & Integration | 19 | 2 | 362-389 |  |
Duplessis, Isabelle | 2018 | Raison d’être et perspectives d’avenir de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) à l’aube de son centenaire | Revue générale de droit | 48 | 2 | 391-443 |  |
Batt, Rosemary, J. Kallas & E. Appelbaum | 2020 | Path Dependency Versus Social Unionism in Healthcare: Bringing Employers Back In | Work and Occupations | 47 | 3 | 406-436 |  |
Batt, Rosemary & E. Appelbaum | 2020 | The Agency Costs of Private Equity: Why do Limited Partners Still Invest? | Academy of Management Perspectives | | | |  |
Vincent, Steve, G.J. Bamber, R. Delbridge, V. Doellgast, J. Grady & I. Grugulis | forthcoming | Situating Human Resource Management in the Political Economy | Human Resource Management Journal | | | |  |
Doellgast, Virginia, M. Bellego & E. Pannini | 2020 | After the Social Crisis: TheTransformation of Employment Relations at France Télécom | Socio-Economic Review | | | |  |
Doellgast, Virginia & D. Marsden | 2019 | Institutions as Constraints and Resources: Explaining Cross-national Divergence in Performance Management. | Human Resource Management Journal | 29 | 2 | 199-216 |  |
Weaver, Russell | 2020 | A High Road for the 21st Century | The Solutions Journal | 11 | 3 | 118-122 |  |
Abdelnour, Sarah & S. Bernard | 2019 | Communauté professionnelle et destin commun. Les ressorts contrastés de la mobilisation collective des chauffeurs de VTC | Terrains et travaux | 1 | 34 | 91-114 |  |
Abdelnour, Sarah & S. Bernard | 2019 | Devenir syndicaliste malgré soi. La socialisation militante en tension des chauffeurs de VTC mobilisés | Politix | 4 | 128 | 65-90 |  |
Bernard, Sophie & S. Abdelnour | 2018 | Vers un capitalisme de plateforme ? Mobiliser le travail, contourner les régulations | La nouvelle revue du travail | | 13 | |  |
Bernard, Sophie, S. Abdelnour & J. Gros | 2017 | Genre et travail indépendant. Divisions sexuées et place des femmes dans le non-salariat | Travail et emploi | 2 | 150 | 5-23 |  |
Daugareilh, Isabelle | 2020 | The Legal Status of Platform Workers in France | Comparative Labor Law Journal and Policy | | | |  |
Daugareilh, Isabelle | 2020 | Der Widerstand Der Französischen Richter Gegen Die Sirenen Der Uberisierung Der Wirtschaft | Arbeit und Recht | | 9 | 352-358 |  |
Daugareilh, Isabelle | 2020 | El Trabajo en la Nueva Economia : Qué Respuestas Aporta El Derecho Social Internacional ? | Temas Laborales | | 151 | 219-240 |  |
Auzero, Gilles | 2019 | Le système de participation des travailleurs dans l’entreprise privée en France | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 3 | 118-125 |  |
Auzero, Gilles, I. Daugareilh & M. Coutu | 2019 | Les droits de participation des travailleurs | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 3 | 5-13 |  |
Montalban, Matthieu, V. Frigant & B. Jullien | 2019 | Plaform Economy As A New Form of Capitalism: A Regulationist Research Programme | Cambridge Journal of Economics | 43 | 2 | 805-824 |  |
Jullien, Bernard & C. Dutertre | 2019 | De la transformation numérique rêvée d’une industrie à sa transformation -numérique réelle : le cas de l’entretien et de la réparation automobile | Revue d’économie industrielle | | 168 | 103-129 |  |
Thomas, Huw | Forthcoming | A “Decent Cuppa”: Worker Power and Consumer Power in the Sri Lankan Tea Sector’ | British Journal of Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Thomas, Huw & P. Turnbull | Forthcoming | From a ‘Moral Commentator’ to a ‘Determined Actor’? How the International Labour Organization (Ilo) Orchestrates the Field of International Industrial Relations | British Journal of Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Thomas, Huw & P. Turnbull | submit | Navigating the Perilous Waters of Partisan Scholarship: Participatory Action Research (Par) With the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) | Work, Employment & Society | | | |  |
Thomas, Huw & P. Turnbull | 2018 | From horizontal to vertical labour governance: The International Labour Organization (ILO) and decent work in global supply chains | Human Relations | 71 | 4 | 536-559 |  |
Turnbull, Peter | Submit | Lighten the load – have your say’: evidence-based representation (EBR) for European bus and coach drivers | Transfer | | | |  |
Coiquaud, Urwana & L. Morissette | À paraître | La « fabrique réglementaire » autour de l’arrivée d’Uber | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | | | |  |
Coiquaud, Urwana | 2019 | Uber et la réglementation canadienne : état de la jurisprudence | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 2 | 82-89 |  |
Bisom-Rapp, Susan & U. Coiquaud | 2017 | The Role of the State Towards the Grey Zone of Employment: Eyes on Canada and the United States | Revue Interventions économiques | 58 | | |  |
Emilien, Stephanie-Blandine, C. Lévesque, L. Morissette & S. Pérez-Lauzon | 2019 | La contribution des institutions régionales à la gestion des talents: Regards sur la grappe aérospatial de Montréal | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 3 | 473-497 |  |
González-Menéndez, Maria, D. Luque Balbona, G. Pruneda & P. Almond | 2018 | Embedding Multinational Firms in Regional Business Systems: Neoliberal and Social-Democratic Models in Spain | Industrial Relations Journal | 49 | 1 | 50-69 |  |
Almond, Phil, M. González Menéndez, J. Lavelle & G. Murray | 2017 | The Local in the Global: Regions, Employment Systems and Multinationals | Industrial Relations Journal | 48 | 2 | 115-132 |  |
Tang, C., W. Yang & F. Wang | 2020 | Research on the Employment Effect of China’s Capacity-Reduction Policy | Macroeconomics | | | |  |
He, J., W. Yang & X. Dong | 2019 | Literature Review on the Measurement of Human Capital With the Lifetime Income Approach | Studies in Labor Economics | | | |  |
Tang, L., F. Yang & W. Yang | 2019 | Research on the Influence Mechanism of Employees’ Political Skills on Promotion Opportunities | Business Management Journal | | | |  |
Yang, Y., W. Yang & F. Li | 2019 | Review and Prospect of China’s Employment Elasticity Research Since the Reform and Opening-Up | Reform of Economic System | | | |  |
Yang, Weiguo & N. Zhou | 2019 | Western Comparative Industrial Relations Theory: Development and Challenge | Teaching and Research | | | |  |
Qiu, Z., W, Q., & Yang, W. | 2019 | Transformation of Labourer’s Skill Demand in the Context of Artificial Intelligence: From Unskilled to Reskilled | E-government | | | |  |
Tang, L., F. Yang & W. Yang | 2019 | How to Realize the Balance Between Employees’ Work and Life? – Based on the Perspective of Skills and Relationship | Research on Economics and Management | | | |  |
Zheng, Q. & W. Yang | 2019 | Literature Review on the Frontier Research on a Gig Economy | Human Resources Development of China | | | |  |
Guo, R., L. Zhou, Y. Su & W. Yang | 2019 | Mismatch of Education and Specialty and the Employment Quality of College Graduates | Studies in Labor Economics | | | |  |
Zhou, N. & W. Yang | 2019 | Can Competition Restriction Restrict New Forms of Working – Taking the Cases of the Job-Hopping of Network Anchors as Examples | Human Resources Development of China | | | |  |
Wu, Q., X. Chen, F. Wang & W. Yang | 2019 | Would Artificial Intelligence Bring About Large-Scale Unemployment? – Calculation Based on the Artificial Intelligence Technology, Economic Benefits, and Employment of E-Commerce Platform | Shandong Social Sciences | | | |  |
Zheng, Q. & W. Yang | 2019 | Research Perspective of a Gig Economy – Review Based on Western Classic Literature | Human Resources Development of China | | | |  |
Chen, X., Yang, W. & J. Wang | 2018 | Influence of TV Media on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Levels of the Elderly – Based on the Perspective of New Human Capital Theory | Population and Development | | | |  |
Zhang, C. & W. Yang | 2018 | New Measurement of Occupational Gender Segregation in the Transitional Period of China’s Labour Market – Based on K-M Decomposition Method | Population and Development | | | |  |
Yang, Weiguo Z. Qiu & Q. Wu | 2018 | Literature Review on the Employment Effect of Artificial Intelligence Application | Chinese Journal of Population Science | | | |  |
Yang, Weiguo, C. Zhang & Q. Xin | 2018 | Paradigm of Digital Economy and the Change of Employment Relationship | Journal of Chinese University of Labor Relations | | | |  |
Yang, Weiguo, Nawakitphaitoon, K., Huang, W., Harney, B., Gollan, P. J. & C. Xu | 2019 | Towards Better Work in China: Mapping the Relationships Between High-Performance Work Systems, Trade Unions, and Employee Well-Being | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources | 57 | 4 | 553-576 |  |
Berg, Peter, M. Hamman, M. Piszczek & C. Ruhm | 2020 | Can Policy Facilitate Partial Retirement? Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Germany | Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 73 | 5 | 1226-1251 |  |
Piszczek, Matt & P. Berg | 2020 | Work-Family Policy Attribution: Implications for Person-Environment Fit | Human Resource Management Review | 30 | 2 | |  |
Thomlinson, Jenny, M. Baird, P. Berg & R. Cooper | 2018 | Flexible Careers Across the Life Course: Advancing Theory, Research, and Practice | Human Relations | 71 | 1 | 4-22 |  |
Doellgast, Virginia & P. Berg | 2017 | Negotiating Flexibility: External Contracting and Working Time Control in German and Danish Telecommunications Firms | Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 71 | 1 | 117-142 |  |
Berg, Peter, M. Hamman, M. Piszczek, & C. Ruhm | 2017 | The Relationship Between Establishment Training and the Retention of Older Workers: Evidence From Germany | International Labour Review | 156 | 3-4 | 495-524 |  |
Banks, Kevin, R. Chaykowski & G. Slotsve | 2020 | Labour Rights Arbitration in Canada: An Empirical Investigation of Efficiency and Delay in a Changed Legal Environment | Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal | 22 | 2 | |  |
Coutu, Michel | Soumis | La constitution du travail : à-propos d’un concept wébérien méconnu | L’Année sociologique | | | |  |
Coutu, Michel | accepté | La langue et la culture entre approches fonctionnelles et volontaires : la détermination des unités de négociation dans le secteur public | Cahiers de Droit | | | |  |
Coutu, Michel | 2020 | Economic Crises, Crisis of Labour Law? Lessons From Weimar | Journal of Law and Society | 47 | 2 | 221-239 |  |
Coutu, Michel | 2020 | Crises économiques, crise du droit du travail? Quelques leçons de Weimar | Droit & Société | 104 | 1 | 35-51 |  |
Bourgault, Julie & M. Coutu | 2018 | Le système québécois de participation des travailleurs: Vers une refondation | Revue internationale de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 3 | 92-107 |  |
Bourgault, Julie & M.Coutu | 2018 | The Québec System of Worker Participation: Toward a Refoundation on a New Constitutional Basis? | Revue internationale de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 4 | 108-123 |  |
Hilgert, Jeffrey | 2020 | Deeming Laws and Practices as Violations of the Rights of People With Work-Acquired Disabilities | New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy | 29 | 4 | 536-544 |  |
Hilgert, Jeffrey | 2019 | Article 23(4) Trade Union Rights and the United Nations policy of devolution on labour relations | Labor History | 60 | 5 | 503-519 |  |
Bruno, Gabriella, N. Martel & G. Vallée | 2018 | À l’occasion du travail » : une notion classique utile à la reconnaissance de l’obligation de disponibilité des travailleurs ? Une exploration de la jurisprudence | Revue générale de droit | 48 | 2 | 255-297 |  |
Vallée, Guylaine | 2018 | L’obligation de disponibilité du salarié au-delà de son temps et de son lieu de travail : les enseignements de la Cour suprême du Canada dans Association des juristes de justice c Canada (Procureur général | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 73 | 3 | 591-602 |  |
Martin, Isabelle & G. Vallée | 2017 | Employment Protection Measures for Termination on Economic Grounds in Quebec and Canadian Federal Law | English Electronic Edition - Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 4 | 190-194 |  |
Martin, Isabelle & G. Vallée | 2017 | Les mesures de protection de l’emploi du salarié licencié pour des motifs économiques en droit québécois et fédéral canadien | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | | 2 | 88-93 |  |
D’Amours, Martine, Y. Noiseux, C. Papinot & G. Vallée | 2017 | Les nouvelles frontières de la relation d’emploi | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 72 | 3 | 409-420 |  |
D’Amours, Martine, Y. Noiseux, C. Papinot & G. Vallée | 2017 | New Frontiers of the Employment Relationship | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 72 | 3 | 421-432 |  |
Baril-Gingras, Geneviève & S.P. Dubois-Ouellet | 2018 | Framing, Resources and Repertoire of Local Trade Union Action for Health and Safety: A Study Conducted With a Quebec Central Labour Body | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 73 | 3 | 429-460 |  |
Biron, Caroline, A. Parent-Lamarche, H. Ivers & G. Baril-Gingras | 2018 | Do as You Say: The Effects of Psychosocial Safety Climate on Managerial Quality in an Organizational Health Intervention | International Journal of Workplace Health Management | 11 | 4 | 228-244 |  |
Lippel, Katherine, R. Johnstone & G. Baril-Gingras | 2017 | Introduction : Regulation, Change and the Work Environment | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 72 | 1 | 3-32 |  |
Weinberg, Bradley R. | 2020 | Third-Party Intervention and the Preservation of Bargaining Relationships | Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 73 | 2 | 498-527 |  |
Weinberg, Bradley R. | 2018 | The Hangover: The Lasting Impact of Early Conflict on the Duration of Bargaining Relationships | Industrial and Labor Relations Review | 71 | 3 | 625-646 |  |
Dumas, P. Martin | À paraître | La responsabilité sociale des entreprises en Afrique de l’Ouest : l’appel nécessaire à l’initiative extra-étatique | Les Cahiers du LIRSE | | | |  |
Dumas, P. Martin | 2019 | Rapports collectifs du travail dans les entreprises de compétence législative fédérale | JurisClasseur Québec, coll. «Droit du travail», Rapports individuels et collectifs du travail, fasc. 18 | | | |  |
Dumas, P. Martin | 2017 | Helping Working Children Through Consumocratic Law: A Global South Perspective | Law and Development Review | 10 | 2 | 609-641 |  |
Jalette, Patrice, M. Laroche & G. Trudeau | 2018 | Relations du travail : Résurgence, aggravation et complexification des conflits de travail au Québec | Revue RH | 21 | 4 | |  |
Trudeau, Gilles | 2019 | Le précompte syndical obligatoire revu à la lumière de la décision de la Cour suprême américaine dans l’affaire Janus | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 1 | 174-186 |  |
Trudeau, Gilles | 2019 | Mandatory Dues Check-off Reviewed in Light of the US Supreme Court’s Decision in the Janus Case | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 3 | 589-601 |  |
Murray, Gregor & G. Trudeau | soumis | Federalism as Institutional Experimentation: The Case of Canadian Labor Regulation | Industrial and Labor Relations Review, | | | |  |
Ferreras, Isabelle, I. MacDonald, G. Murray & V. Pulignano | 2020 | Introduction: institutional Experimentation for Better (or Worse) Work | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 113-118 |  |
Ferreras, Isabelle, I. MacDonald, G. Murray & V. Pulignano | 2020 | L’expérimentation institutionnelle au travail, pour le meilleur (ou pour le pire) | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 119-125 |  |
Ferreras, Isabelle, I. MacDonald, G. Murray & V. Pulignano | 2020 | Einleitung: Institutionelles Experimentieren Für Bessere (Oder Schlechtere) Arbeit | Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research | 26 | 2 | 127-134 |  |
González-Menéndez, Maria, P. Almond & G. Murray | 2018 | Gobernanza Regional de la Inversión Extranjera Directa en Canadá, España Y Reino Unido | Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas | | 162 | 3-20 |  |
González-Menéndez, Maria, P. Almond & G. Murray | 2018 | Regional Business Systems and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment in Canada, Spain and the UK | Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas | | 163 | 3-20 |  |
Bao, Xiaming & G. Murray | 2017 | Évolutions récentes des conflits collectifs du travail dans les entreprises en Chine | Chronique internationale de l'IRES | | 156 | 116-134 |  |
Rutherford, Tod, G. Murray, P. Almond & M. Pelard. | 2017 | State Accumulation Projects and Inward Investment Regimes Strategies | Regional Studies | 52 | 4 | 572-584 |  |
Murray, Gregor | 2017 | Union Renewal: What Can We Learn From Three Decades of Research? | Transfer: European Review of Labour & Research | 23 | 1 | 9-29 |  |
Bédard, Jean-Luc & A. M. Zaidman | 2020 | Concilier protection du public et admission de professionnels de la santé formés à l’étranger : enjeux relatifs à la mobilité transnationale dans le cadre de l’Entente de reconnaissance mutuelle France-Québec | Recherches sociographiques | LX | 2 | 379-400 |  |
Bédard, Jean-Lu & M. Massana Macià | 2019 | Socio-Professional Integration and International Mobility: The Case of French Engineers Under the France-Quebec Mutual Recognition Arrangement | Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali | 8 | 16 | 99-111 |  |
Bédard, Jean-Lu & M. Massana Macià | 2018 | Intégration socioprofessionnelle et mobilité internationale. Le cas des ingénieurs français ayant emprunté l’ARM France-Québec | Revue européenne des migrations internationales | 34 | 1 | 211-234 |  |
Barton Ruth | 2020 | Trade Unions and Industrial Regeneration in North West TasmaniA: Moving Beyond Lock-In? | Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space | | | |  |
Chung, Sun Wook & H. Kwon | 2020 | Tackling the Crunch Mode: The Rise of an Enterprise Union in South Korea's Game Industry | Employee Relations: The International Journal | 42 | 6 | 1327-1352 |  |
Adanhounme, Brice & C. Lévesque | 2019 | La négociation collective en contexte de flexibilisation de l’emploi dans deux usines au Québec | Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations | 74 | 1 | 14-38 |  |