11 December 2020 at 10:00 (EST)
Conference on telework: state of play and reflection on the future of work
The Industry 4.0, Work and Employment Axis of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology (OBVIA), in partnership with the BMO-Diversity and Governance Research Chair, the Observatory on Health and Well-being at Work and the Inter-University Research Centre on Globalization and Work (CRIMT), is organizing a conference-discussion on telework with researchers and labour market partners to take stock of the current situation and initiate reflection on the future of work.
Whether seen as a new way of organising flexible work, as a measure to increase productivity or as a means of preventing contagion, telework has suddenly become an unavoidable issue for workplaces. Between risks and opportunities, the current context of the pandemic offers a unique opportunity to examine the phenomenon in order to better understand the issues that surrounds it and to initiate a discussion on the kind of regulatory framework necessary in the post-Covid-19 era.
Tania Saba, coresearcher at CRIMT, will present the results of an international study on telework in the context of the pandemic carried out as part of the BMO-Diversity and Governance Research Chair, with the financial support of OBVIA as part of the work on digital tools to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Alain Marchand will present the results of his research on the impact of telework on well-being at work (stress and mental health) based on surveys carried out before and during the pandemic.
These presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with labour market partners who have experience with telework. Among other things, aspects to consider in planning for telework in a post-pandemic context will be discussed, followed by an exchange with participants. This panel discussion will consist of:
Anne-Marie Hubert, Managing Partner for Quebec, Ernst & Young Canada, Francois Lamoureux, President, Comité consultatif du travail et de la main d’oeuvre, Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité Social, Manon Poirier, Executive Director, Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés du Québec
This activity will be followed by a student discussion moderated by Julie Garneau, a CRIMT student member.
Registration is free but compulsory.
More details here.